“A sharp appearance is more deadly than a sharp sword” – Common:- an elven witticism (Aurora’s Whole Realms Catalogue by Tim Beach, Karen S. Boomgarden, Anne Brown, David “Zeb” Cook, Jeff Grubb, Julia Martin, Colin McComb, Thomas M. “A reaver is a scythe gone mad” – Common:- an old Vaasan saying, referring to the whirling flash and scissoring scrape of the blades filling the air when used by labourers in the field (Aurora’s Whole Realms Catalogue by Tim Beach, Karen S. “a real Zundle party” – Common:- a Cormyrean term often used to describe a disorganized or boring event, dinner, or affair (Volo’s Guide to Cormyr by Ed Greenwood) “a real hawksnarl” – Common:- see “hawksnarl” “a proper tarunter” – Common:- see “tarunter” “A proper Moonhunt Down” – Common:- a saying describing a hard-fought battle or sorcerous spell-duel (Polyhedron #106) “A person’s gotta be smarter than your average Jathrin” – Common:- a local Jathrin’s Jump saying, referring to the execution of the outlaw Jathrin who was thrown from the top of a cliff to the rocks far below (giving this backwoods Turmian settlement its name) (The Vilhon Reach by Jim Butler, Ed Greenwood) “a little sun” – Common:- the formal or bardic Silvaeren term for a gold coin (My Slice of Silverymoon, Part One by Ed Greenwood) “A little down!” – Common:- (originally accompanied by letting a sparse handful of sand or gravel fall from one’s palm) is the dwarven expression meaning “So it goes!” (or, to modern, real-world speakers, a variant on “That’s the way the cookie crumbles!”) (Realmslore: Daily Dwarf Common by Ed Greenwood)

“A life lost in dreams is a life wasted” – Common:- a local Nimbran saying, referring to life in Nimbral before the Loss of Leira (on one hand the simple, necessary labour of fishing and forestry, and on the other the never-ending “dream deceptions” practiced by all Nimbrese upon each other) (Realmslore: The Realm of Nimbral, Part Six by Ed Greenwood) “A lie spread often enough with money to attend it becomes as much truth as a coin is round” – Common:- an Amnian saying about purposely spreading rumours (Lands of Intrigue by Steven E.

“A fair fallhammer!” – Common:- a dwarven saying expressing something satisfyingly good, such as a meal, a brawl, a decision, or victorious confrontation (Realmslore: Daily Dwarf Common by Ed Greenwood) “A cave with a hatch is only a cave a cave with a hinged door is a home” – Common:- an old halfling saying (Aurora’s Whole Realms Catalogue by Tim Beach, Karen S. “A battle-death is a holy ending” – Common:- (devout worshippers of Tempus salute corpses, burials, and graves with murmurs of “Holy ending!”) a Tempuran homily (temple saying) that is considered a proverb of the faith (So saith Ed - April 12, 2004) (From the Candlekeep Compendium, some fun to pepper your RP)